# Welcome to Ryuichi's Portfolio


My name is Ryuichi Ohhata, and I am a student, engineer, and hobbyist.

# Short Bio

  • 1999 Born in Japan
  • 2013 Moved to the US
  • 2014-2018 Belmont High School
  • 2018- Computer Engineering, B.S., Boston University

# Professional Experience

# Hewlett Packard Enterprise (Expected)

Jun - Aug, 2021
Software Engineering Intern


May, 2020 -
Undergraduate Research Assistant


  • Test and evaluate software in hardware description language development research for microfluidics
  • Generate microfluidics designs using hardware description language that is currently under development
  • Build microservices for existing synthetic biology applications

# Human Dynamics

Jan, 2021 -

# Nona Research Foundation

Feb, 2020 -
Software Engineering Intern


  • System administration works including hosting and maintaining the synthetic software tools on the Nona Research Foundation website using Docker and AWS
  • Rehost legacy tools by using docker containers and modiftying outdated codes

# International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (iGEM) 2020

May - Nov, 2020
Software Committee Member


  • Answered technical questions from the participants
  • Assisted teams with their GitHub repositories

# Boston University Information Services and & Technology

Jun, 2019 - May, 2020
Web Developer Intern


  • Converted old websites hosted by Boston University (BU) into new ones with the responsive framework using Wordpress and HTML
  • Communicated with departmental faculties to assist with their websites to satisfy the requirements

# Boston University Rocket Propulsion Group

Sep, 2018 - Mar, 2020
Software Engineering Member


  • Designed and coded the electronic system for my team's rocket in the High Powered Rocketry Competition
  • Collaborated with other members to develop hardware in the loop testing for the group's avionics

# Skills

# Programming Languages

  • C/C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • SQL

# Web/ Server Technologies

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • AWS ECR, ECS, EC2, Route 53
  • Docker
  • Tomcat
  • Flask

# Database

  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL

# Operating Systems

  • Mac OSX
  • Windows
  • Linus/ubuntu, debian, alpine